In times like these it is nice to read stories about solidarity. Solidarity is a big word. On the one hand it can be a philosophical subject, on the other hand it can be something tangible, when committed people become involved. It can lead to stories that are extremely touching. Here is one such story, worth writing down.
Summer again and people are asking me: “Where are you going? Ikaria again?” They already know my answer – it is: “Yes, of course.” This is all I am willing to say about it. Perhaps they may get an additional smile, but certainly no more explanations or even an invitation to join me. I consider myself an open person, I like to spoil my friends, to share and to invite, but I also like to keep my secrets and my treasures.
We have been at the island since the beginning of June. My mom, my siblings and me. My dad didn’t have many vacation days and would be a while until he arrived. I don’t know why, but during that summer I was looking extremely forward to seeing him. Maybe, all summers were like this, and I kept this in memory because things didn’t go exactly as I was hoping for.